Archive | Finding a Job

Powerful Three

Three is powerful.

Three is a very powerful, symbolic, and useful number.  “The triad or trinity is a symbol of the unity of body, mind and spirit. The symbol universally significant and found throughout history and all over the world.”

There are three great divisions completing time–past, present, and future.

Thought, word, and deed, complete the sum of human capability.

Three kingdoms embrace our ideas of matter–mineral, vegetable, and animal.

Three persons, in grammar, express and include all the relationships of mankind.

Here are three powerful suggestions to empower you and assist your job and career quest:

RSG – Ready, Set and Go.  The starter in track and other events uses this three-step command.  Each is a call to action starting with `ready’ meaning – complete your preparation. Next it’s time to get `set’ – focusing on your goal; and then, `go – on the track (in the arena) and moving.  Have you neglected your preparation, or are you stuck in this important process?  It’s important to take the next, aiming/prioritizing step (consider it a trial for learning, if you’re a perfectionist or a new experiment if you’re an inquisitive adventurer).  Taking action completes the cycle and puts you on the path of landing your new job and career direction.

LPRListen, Pause and Respond.  Landing a new job requires effective communication, and listening is a skill to be developed and improved by all of us.  Listening first requires focus, paying attention.  It helps to suspend judgment and concentrate on what’s being said or asked.  Learn to pause and reflect and to be patient before responding.  Briefly repeating (or paraphrasing) what’s been said or asked is a tool that provides time to consider possible responses and to choose an effective one.  Avoid long-winded and meandering responses.  Can you confine your answers to `less than a minute’?

GDRGrace, Dignity and Respect.  The path to success is about being, about approach.  Years ago, a high-powered consultant taught us this acronym, and it became a reminder to consider and improve our personal behaviors and relationships.  It’s rather easy to be observant and often critical of the way others behave; however, examining ourselves is a truly challenging.  We waste time and energy trying to `change’ others as we neglect the opportunities to improve our own outlook and actions.  These guidewords are powerful, self-improvement tools and about:  forgiveness, letting go, walking tall and positively, as well as caring and considering others.

Reflect upon these three-part suggestions, try one to help you, and remember to practice.

Also, remember to ask questions before, during and after interviews.  What kind of organization surrounds the opening?  What is their business mission and culture?  What is expected from the position and successful employees?   What is the decision-making process for filling this position?  And, ASK for the job! Three letter words.   Following the interview, ask yourself – what you learned and discovered and how you could have improved?



Finding a Job – Heel & Toe Method

Heel & Toe Method

Facing the closing of her retail store outlet, a young woman shared her optimism about finding a new job by using the Heel & Toe Method.  What?  It’s the personal actions of walking about, introducing yourself (with a smile, courtesy, and positive attitude), and asking for an opportunity to contribute and serve.  It is going directly to employers and includes these steps:

Demonstrating your Success Attributes

We continue to emphasize the importance of developing an understanding of your personal, Success Profile (your talents, achievements, and personality traits) that defines you.  You can make a difference in your documents by revealing who you are and how you work as well as with your upcoming interviews by providing lively and quality answers to a variety of possible questions.  By clearly describing 3-5 attributes in each of these categories and then practicing the examples and stories for each … you are prepared.

Action item – Review the list we discussed and re-think the examples and stories; then practice those stories.  For instance, if you are frequently recognized as an effective communicator:

When dealing with vendors it is very important to be clear about mutual goals and requirements (when the product should be delivered, billing terms, promotions and advertising, return procedures, etc); in the purchasing department I was able to eliminate waste in key performance categories and increase our profits by over four percent annually.

Taking Action

Are you exploring opportunities in all of the five areas of employment opportunity (print, internet, agencies/recruiters, companies – directly, and networking)?  It’s easy to get distracted, to procrastinate, and/or get discouraged!  It’s easy to fall into a routine.  Remember that a wise person defined `insanity’ as doing the same things, over and over, and expecting different results.   Consider the Heel & Toe Method as your reminder to move, try, go, and succeed.

Action item – Prepare and write down Five Daily Actions and then take action.  Try going directly to an employer or two, today!


Demonstrate your motivation and persistence.  Many managers have told us that they value people who `really want [the job].’  Do you think that neglecting a thank-you (follow-up) note after an interview makes sense?  Research says that 90% of those interviewed neglect this gesture, and you have an opportunity to be one of the other 10% — the ones getting the job, the successful ones.

Action item – You’ve included your Success Attributes (in the documents and the interview) and know your key attributes that are important and valuable – don’t neglect them in the follow-up note and phone calls while remembering to focus on their needs and requirements (vs. yours).

In contrast, are you using the so-called Fanny & Finger Method (sitting-it-out and waiting for the phone to ring or for an e-mail response to your posted, on-line resume with your `mouse’ in hand)?  It rarely works when it comes to finding a new job.  Develop a plan, reveal yourself, demonstrate a positive attitude and take action!  Choose to be part of solutions and success.