Going Faster

Going Faster

 How are you going about finding that next `rung on the ladder’ – your next job? 

Our focus in this series is on some key considerations; and in this issue we suggest you focus on speed … increase the velocity and pace of your search efforts … in other words, going faster!

 I’m reminded of the fable of the Tortoise and the Hair.  Yes, it’s true that the Hair, who goes sprinting out of the box and races ahead, is often the `loser’ at the finish line.   Why?  Perhaps, ran out of gas; or, hit an obstacle and stumbled; or, lost sight of the goal with a premature celebration, over-confidence, or an unnecessary break.

Better yet, the Tortoise – picked-up the pace and overcame the slower start with determination, increased capability, and inner strength and solid confidence to win.  By focusing on the goal, taking responsibility, improving and increasing his stamina and pace, the Tortoise wins.

How are you spending each day?  Are you getting up earlier to seek out positions, expand your network, rehearse your `introduction’, and follow-up?  Don’t go slowly.

Are you procrastinating?  Focus on your objectives and take action … move quickly.

Do you walk with `the weight of the world’ on your shoulders?   Let go … get going!

Are you burdened with cumbersome minutia and/or too many distractions? 

 Forget them and pick-up the pace.




Going BIG

Going BIG

This is the first in a series of posts about “going” … We end the year with the thought of going “big” and with some thoughts about goal setting.  I trust that you will wrap-up this year and begin the next with some big thoughts and actions.  This is my holiday wish for you and yours!

What are your goals, today?  What are your goals, this week and month?  Have you set your goals for the year? Have you begun setting them for next year?   I trust that the acronym – SMART – will assist you to better define and achieve them.  Again, it stands for Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Results-focused and Time bound.

Are your goals big enough?  Jack Welch coined the concept of `stretch goals.’  Following is an example and a few thoughts about what they can be for you:

Putting men on the moon in the decade of the 60’s was a huge `stretch’ and was clearly `smart’. A small and giant step was achieved in 1969 with countless benefits.

When you look at your career and, your next job … what is your big objective?  Is it a stretch for you? 

By `going big’ … you are making a bold statement and expanding your potential.

When you stretch, you are challenging yourself to:  learn new skills; grow; develop ideas, and expand your relationships; experiment and practice; overcome the fear of disappointments and failures, move through, around, and beyond the hurdles ahead; and achieve success.

 Today, now, is a good time to double check our goals with these questions:

 Where am I going?

 Am I stretching enough to make a difference?

 I encourage you to stretch, be bold, and go BIG.