My Own Job is an Attitude
Many of you are considering starting your own business; and some of you have done this in the past or have recently started a new venture. Working for oneself in your own business is full of opportunity and some peril. Literature, internet research and anecdotes from friends and family will detail the numerous plus and minus factors. This issue profiles an entrepreneur and describes my own job?
An Entrepreneur:
An entrepreneur is a person who takes the risk of organizing and starting a new business venture. S/he creates her/his own unique business or works as a member of a team as in multi-level marketing. The successful ones demonstrate several characteristics such as: are careful about money; earned money when they were teenagers; are competitive by nature; are risk-takers who trust their hunches and act on them; have a `head for business’; are usually loners rather than joiners; are usually honorable people who do business on a handshake or a promise; set aside time for leisure activities and family; don’t `retire’; are professionals and don’t let outside influences distract them; have high energy, feel self-confident, set long-term goals, and view money and financial security as a measure of accomplishment and peace of mind; compete with themselves and believe that success or failure lies within their personal control or influence; and work hard. [This profile is by Daile Tucker, publisher of Smart Shopper] In a recent survey, over 80% of potential entrepreneurs said that `being their own boss’ was the main reason for becoming one. You’re the one who has to make the decisions.
Do you have this profile? With the help of thoughtful self-examination and feedback from others, you can answer this! Then … develop an idea, a product or a service, and go for it.
My Own Job:
My own job is the attitude of working for oneself as well as working for and with others. It is not only about providing the very best work output (products and services) for others but also an attitude of taking responsibility for quality, improvements, and relationships. It is bottom- line empowerment. It is not about dictating, controlling, or protecting your turf which are behaviors that stifle growth and create barriers to successful relationships and results.
Being an empowered employee or a boss is positive, rewarding and benefits others. It requires developing both skills and personality traits. Read or re-read Seven Habits of Successful People by Stephen Covey and work on one or two of them if you’re serious about your –my own job.
The bottom line is that our work lives require working with others: customers, and clients and patients; and colleagues, and teammates and subordinates and bosses; as well as investors and suppliers. Successful work lives are about: developing these relationships; developing our personalities; understanding and serving others; learning and applying new skills; and, producing and delivering the very best products and services.
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